Botox for Different Age Groups: When to Start and What to Expect

Botox injections are an FDA-approved injectable treatment for smoothing away facial wrinkles, including frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. They are a popular choice for clients of all ages to maintain a youthful appearance and work well on both younger and more mature skin.

Botox provides a safe, effective, and easy way to still look like you — just more refreshed and rejuvenated! But when should you start getting Botox injections, and are the results different at different stages of life? Let’s talk about it.

Botox in Your 20s: Prevention Over Correction

Botox can be used preventatively before wrinkles surface for clients in their 20s. In 2022, over 125,000 people in their 20s received Botox — a 71% increase since 2019. Since Botox temporarily paralyzes facial muscles, it prevents the skin from folding in a way that can cause wrinkle lines to form or worsen. Beginning at a younger age can seriously soften those lines and prevent future ones from forming, reducing the amount of Botox treatments needed as you age.

Results at this age are often subtle, as there is still plenty of collagen in the skin, providing a plump and even appearance. Clients with a lighter skin tone (those on the lower end of the Fitzpatrick scale) will display signs of aging earlier compared to clients with a darker skin tone. If you still suffer from acne, Botox can also reduce sweat production, pore size, and overactive oil glands to improve and prevent acne from forming.

Botox in Your 30s: Early Signs of Aging

Wrinkles start to develop in your 30s, but the skin is usually still supple. In 2022, over 1.6 million people in their 30s received Botox injections — a 70% increase since 2019. Botox in this age group focuses more on the early signs of aging than prevention. Addressing concerns like crow’s feet or frown lines earlier can help stop them from deepening or worsening over time.

Most Millennials today are in their 30s and have spent years surrounded by digital screens —  such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets — increasing damage from high-energy visitable (HEV) light, also known as blue light. HEV light can cause free radical damage in the skin, which can increase the breakdown of collagen and cause hyperpigmentation and premature wrinkles. Botox can help target these issues and slow the effects of blue light on the skin.

Botox in Your 40s and Beyond

In 2022, close to 5 million people in their 40s received Botox injections, a 74% increase since 2019. This is a good time to start using Botox as the skin becomes noticeably thinner and saggier, wrinkles are more prevalent, and hyperpigmentation is starting to show. This is due to collagen loss accelerating during this decade.

If you have wrinkles, the best time to get Botox was yesterday. The second-best time is today. Wrinkles will only become more deeply ingrained as you age. Botox can help prevent worsening lines from forming and soften the ones that are there.

Making Your Results Last

While Botox results typically last three to six months, there are some steps you can take to extend the life of your treatment.

  1. Follow post-injection guidance from Dr. Julie Morales and her team.
  2. Do not massage the injection sites for at least 24 hours after injection to avoid bruising or blood clots.
  3. Do not exercise excessively within one hour prior to getting Botox or for a few hours after.
  4. Do not lie down for two to four hours after getting injected, as the toxins can spread to other areas of the face, leading to dropping eyelids or eyebrows.
  5. Wait at least two hours to consume alcohol after injections to avoid swelling and/or bruising.
  6. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  7. Practice daily skin care, such as using a topical retinoid, applying a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid, and applying sunscreen daily.


Are Botox injections safe?

Yes! Botox received approval from the FDA in 1989 and has been used by millions of people since in 98 countries. It is also the most researched and studied treatment of its kind. Unless you have a rare allergy to botulinum toxin, it is safe when provided by a licensed professional, such as Dr. Julie Morales, and her team.

Does it hurt?

Botox injections use very small needles, so at most, you may experience a slight pinching or stinging sensation at the injection sites. Each injection lasts just a few seconds.

How many injections do I need?

While Dr. Morales will provide each client with an individualized treatment plan, there are a certain number of injections to expect in each area. For the crow’s feet area, expect three injections in the muscle that frames the side of the eye. For frown lines and forehead wrinkles, expect five injections for each area.

Are there side effects?

Side effects are uncommon but may include pain, swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites, headache, neck pain, eyelid or brow dropping, and others. Talk with Dr. Morales and her team about any concerns you may have.

Discover Why Botox Is Loved by Millions at Phoenix MedSpa in Lutz, Florida

Whether you are new to Botox in your 20s, 30s, or beyond, Dr. Julie Morales has your best interests in mind. Our goal is to provide a warm and welcoming environment where you feel comfortable asking questions and learning how Botox can rejuvenate your appearance. If you’re interested in Botox, book an appointment today by calling us at 813-776-1779 or completing our online contact form. Phoenix MedSpa is located in Lutz, Florida, just north of Tampa!

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